Mothers may choose to stay at home for a number of reasons. Perhaps they do not want to miss out on the special moments of their offspring’s childhoods. Maybe they are intent on giving them as ideal a growing-up experience as possible. The rising cost of childcare (an average of over $8,000 a year in the U.S., possibly higher in certain areas according to CNBC) forces them to.
Regardless of their reasons, it is undeniable that they made sacrifices. One thing often forfeited is careers, meaning that in the event of a divorce they may suffer difficulties reentering the workforce. The court may award temporary alimony, giving stay-at-home moms time to take action and consider options for reentering the workforce.
1. Consider returning to school
For those wanting to enter a different or new field, further education may be the choice. Even those wanting to work in the area they studied in originally probably have to catch up on changes since industries undergo constant evolution and their knowledge may be out-of-date. However, there is also merit in waiting since a degree or certification is not an automatic guarantee of obtaining the desired position, and gaining work experience is important.
2. Consult a career coach
Career coaches may help individuals who feel lost find a starting place or direction on which to focus. They offer valuable advice and knowledge about searching for and finding jobs and passions.
3. Use available resources
Ask personal connections to inform you of potential opportunities. Search online job boards and utilize the multitude of free articles and videos offering information about resumes, cover letters and interviews. If there is a local career center nearby, visit it.
Being proactive about reentering the workforce may help stay-at-home moms successfully start new, fulfilling careers after divorce.