Domestic Violence And Domestic Abuse

Protection Against Domestic Violence And Abuse With Our San Mateo Attorneys

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, an average of 20 people are physically abused by their intimate partners every minute. Domestic violence or domestic abuse is a pattern of willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, verbal or mental abuse or other abusive behavior. While the frequency and intensity can vary in a relationship, the common factor is one partner seeking power and control over another.

At Viola Law Firm P.C., our domestic violence and abuse attorneys in San Mateo can help your family work through these issues.

The Effects Of Abuse On Partners And Children

Typically, domestic violence and abuse intensify over time. Abusers often apologize after or downplay the severity of an episode. Domestic abuse isn’t always physical. Emotional and psychological abuse can be just as harmful and extreme as physical assault and battery. Over time, partners who suffer abuse may experience long-term health effects and emotional difficulties.

Children exposed to domestic violence — by seeing, hearing or observing the aftermath of domestic abuse — are also victims. The Childhood Domestic Violence Association reports that 5 million children in the United States witness domestic violence each year. Children who experience domestic abuse grow up to have long-term health and psychological issues and are at risk of repeating the cycle.

When You Need Immediate Help

If you need immediate help from local law enforcement, our domestic violence and abuse attorneys in San Mateo urge you to call 911. Or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233). In San Mateo County, Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA) provides a 24-hour crisis hotline (800-300-1080) as well as other support services.

Legal Representation Against Domestic Violence And Abuse

You have several legal options to protect yourself and your children. One option is obtaining a domestic violence restraining order, which prohibits your abuser from coming near you or contacting you in any way. You may also press legal charges by reporting the abusive behavior to local law enforcement.

To discuss your options with a lawyer for assault, contact San Mateo’s Viola Law Firm at 650-343-6400 or by using our secure online form. You may also wish to read our Domestic Violence Q&A. Our San Mateo domestic violence and abuse attorneys can represent clients throughout Northern California.

Have more questions about divorce? Check out our Divorce Q&A.