When divorce became more common place, family court judges tended to favor the mother when deciding what was the best situation for raising children. Over time, studies have shown that children who are permitted more time with both parents tend to fare better. While joint custody is favored in California, some other states start with a legal presumption of joint custody. A family law attorney can help a parent in this state to determine what arrangements will best meet his or her children’s needs.
Recently, an advocate for parents’ rights urged his state to consider implementing new laws that would require family courts to make shared custody the default unless doing so would place children in danger of abuse. Studies and surveys are showing that children are benefiting from this approach. Professionals say that it reduces the level of conflict. Many opponents to shared parenting assert that the best interest of the child needs to come first, though it is widely accepted that time with both parents is better for most children.
Shared parenting can take many forms. A judge structure an arrangement that fits a particular family’s needs in the manner that best suits them. In spite of shared custody appearing to work well for children, in an estimated 80 percent of the cases, courts still revert to more traditional custody arrangements.
Children who are able to solidify bonds with both parents tend to fare much better than those who are denied such opportunities. California parents have every right to seek a child custody plan that will allow their children to thrive. An experienced attorney can provide guidance in structuring a parenting plan that is most suited to a particular client’s needs.