The Value of a Skilled Divorce Team

If you’re just starting to consider a divorce, the sheer number of details involved may seem overwhelming. From legal concerns like submitting the proper paperwork and appearing in court to financial obligations like dividing your assets fairly, ending your marriage takes a lot of work. 

That’s why building a team of skilled professionals can be invaluable for divorcing couples. Keep reading to learn what divorce teams do and who you should consider adding to your roster. 

Experts to Consult During Your Divorce

A divorce team is a collection of professionals with specific specialties who work together to support your case during your split. Regardless of your situation, a knowledgeable divorce attorney is the most critical professional to include on your team.

In some splits, a good attorney may be the only person necessary to help you resolve disputes and reach a fair settlement. They’ll use their skills and experience to protect your rights and ensure you achieve the best possible outcome. 

In more complex divorces, your attorney may recommend working with subject experts to handle sensitive issues like high-value assets and child custody disputes. Depending on your circumstances, your attorney may counsel you to add expert witnesses to your team, such as:

  • Accountants: If your finances are complex, an accountant may be necessary to achieve a fair division of property. Your lawyer may suggest working with a forensic accountant to ensure all assets are accounted for and that your spouse isn’t attempting to hide anything from you. 
  • Appraisers: If you have assets like businesses or art collections that are difficult to value, hiring an appraiser may be necessary. Appraisers have the expertise to identify how much unique assets are worth, allowing you to divide your property fairly. 
  • Child Specialists: If you have children and disagree about handling custody, you may need to consult with a child specialist. These experts help you and the court determine what’s in the child’s best interest during custody battles to ensure they receive the best possible care and support. 
  • Investigators: In particularly adversarial disputes, you may need more specific information that your spouse is unwilling to provide. In that case, a private investigator can help you track down the data you need. For example, you may hire an investigator to learn whether your spouse is hiding a gambling or drug habit that could be affecting your finances or your children’s quality of life. This can help you support your argument for asset division or child custody in court.

Start Building Your Divorce Team Today

When you decide it’s time to end your marriage, the first thing you should do is consult with an expert. The qualified attorneys at Viola Law Firm P.C. are available to help. Learn how we can use our decades of experience to support you throughout your divorce and build a team of experts to streamline your split by scheduling your consultation today.

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